
Belgium Launches Tender to Develop Hydrogen Governance and Infrastructure in Wallonia

By June 13, 2024 2   min read  (376 words)

June 13, 2024 |

Belgium Hydrogen Now e1718280991670

The Walloon Administration in Belgium has announced a tender to assist in establishing robust governance and infrastructure for a hydrogen valley in the Wallonia region. Titled “Marché de services visant à appuyer l’Administration wallonne dans la gouvernance spécifique à la filière hydrogène et dans la mise en place d’une vallée de l’hydrogène en Wallonie,” the tender, issued on May 29, 2024, is open for submissions until June 21, 2024.

The tender aims to identify a skilled partner to support the implementation of an integrated hydrogen ecosystem—a “hydrogen valley”—that brings together hydrogen production, storage, and utilization. This initiative is designed to serve as a model for sustainable energy development, not only in Belgium but across Europe.

Main Objectives and Requirements

The objectives outlined in the tender focus on three strategic areas:

  1. Governance Structure: The project seeks to establish a comprehensive governance model specific to the hydrogen sector. This includes the development of policies, standards, and regulations that will enable the swift and efficient rollout of hydrogen technologies and initiatives throughout Wallonia.
  2. Hydrogen Valley Development: The creation of a hydrogen valley in Wallonia is envisioned as a pioneering project in Europe. The development will encompass the construction of facilities for renewable hydrogen production, innovative storage solutions, and a distribution network aimed at delivering hydrogen to various end-users effectively.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: A critical component of the tender involves identifying and collaborating with key stakeholders, including industry leaders, academic and research institutions, and potential investors. This collaborative approach is crucial for fostering innovation and securing the investments needed to drive the project forward.

Applicants are expected to demonstrate a deep understanding of advanced hydrogen technologies and a successful track record in managing large-scale energy projects. Expertise in renewable hydrogen production, efficient hydrogen storage systems, and the development of comprehensive hydrogen transportation and distribution infrastructure is essential.

Environmental and Economic Considerations

Proposals must prioritize environmental sustainability and economic viability, with the goal of establishing Wallonia as a front-runner in the global hydrogen economy. This initiative aligns with broader European Union objectives aimed at transitioning to clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, thereby enhancing both technological innovation and sustainable economic growth in the region.

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