
Forging a Sustainable Future: The Vital Role of Hydrogen Industry Workers

By May 1, 2024 4   min read  (623 words)

May 1, 2024 |


Currently, the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy is gaining momentum, and the hydrogen industry is emerging as a key driving force in this process. On International Workers’ Day, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the pivotal role played by the workers in this industry in building a cleaner and more prosperous future.

The hydrogen landscape is undergoing a notable transformation, marking a shift towards sensibility and promise. After years of exaggerated expectations, the green hydrogen sector is finally crystallizing and showing signs of maturity. A crucial milestone on this path has been the creation of the European Hydrogen Bank by the European Union, demonstrating a solid commitment to investment in this energy.

This growth in interest and demand for green hydrogen is generating new job opportunities and an urgent need for specialized professionals. As the sector expands into areas such as production, distribution, storage, and applications, the search for talent with specific skills becomes a priority. With the first projects already underway, the demand for profiles related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of hydrogen generation, storage, and transportation facilities is increasing. The energy transition is not only about sustainability but also about job opportunities and the development of a highly skilled workforce.

However, we cannot ignore the challenges faced by workers in this industry. The lack of adequate infrastructure, high production costs, and the need for greater investment in research and development are just some of the obstacles that must be overcome to reach the full potential of hydrogen as an alternative energy source.

Over the past couple of years, we have seen significant advancements both in regulatory frameworks and in the provision of support for the development of green hydrogen. The International Energy Agency has highlighted the significant contribution that hydrogen and its derivatives can make to decarbonization, especially in sectors where emission reduction is particularly challenging, such as heavy industry and long-distance transportation. It also underscores the importance of investing in hydrogen technologies to achieve a cleaner transition in these sectors.


Expectations for 2030:

As we look towards the future, the expectations for workers in the hydrogen industry are optimistic yet challenging. It is anticipated that by the year 2030, this industry will have undergone significant growth, with an expansion in both production and the implementation of hydrogen technologies across a variety of sectors.

At a global level, over 1,000 renewable and low-carbon hydrogen projects have been announced, requiring a minimum investment of $320 billion by that time. However, according to a report by the advocacy group Hydrogen Council, less than 10% of these projects have reached the final investment stage.

Most of these projects focus on supplying clean hydrogen, representing approximately 25 million tons per year of green hydrogen and around 13 million tons of “low-carbon” hydrogen. Almost 20% of these projects are designated for end use, primarily in infrastructure. However, half of the announced projects have not yet progressed to the planning stage or have not received government funding.

To achieve the full potential of hydrogen, it will require a joint effort from all stakeholders involved, including governments, companies, academic institutions, and, of course, industry workers themselves. Innovation and collaboration will be key to developing new technologies and solutions that drive widespread adoption of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy source.

On International Workers’ Day, we pay homage to the men and women who work tirelessly in the hydrogen industry, building a more sustainable future for generations to come. With determination, innovation, and collaboration, we are on track to turn the vision of a hydrogen-powered world into a reality by 2030 and beyond.


SOURCE: Green Hydrogen WWR Energy Workplace Context Report

By. Catherine Lafaurie / Fuel Cells Works


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