
Green Navy Showcases Europe’s First Electro-Hydrogen Catamaran at NAVEXPO in Brittany

By June 13, 2024 2   min read  (315 words)

June 13, 2024 |

Green Navy Showcases Europes First Electro Hydrogen Catamaran at NAVEXPO in Brittany

“The reality of ‘PROMETEO’ as a vessel to spearhead decarbonization of maritime transport is gaining traction. It was a hugely successful event for us.” – Charles Cardi, CEO

Brittany/London– Green Navy, the French company launching ‘Prometeo’, Europe’s first electro-hydrogen propulsion catamaran for commercial passenger and cargo activities, exhibited for the first time at NAVEXPO, the maritime innovation show held in the Port of Lorient in Brittany on May 29/30/31. The company was also invited to participate in the conference and took that opportunity to showcase progress of the vessel’s inspiration and design.

“We have been actively promoting the development of our clean, green, and 100% viable passenger catamaran for several months now,” explains Charles Cardi, CEO – Green Navy. “It is testimony to the pioneering design and its commercial applications that we are seeing great support from financial institutions, local authorities in Brittany, and shipowners keen to explore the potential and flexibility that underpin the programme. NAVEXPO gave us the opportunity to meet with hundreds of partners, suppliers, and professional operators – there was a real buzz and the relevance of our prototype has been confirmed on numerous occasions.”

Green Navy Showcases Europes First Electro Hydrogen Catamaran at NAVEXPO in Brittany

Left: Charles Cardi – CEO, Green Navy Right: David Bartoletti – General Manager, SECO Marine

The technical feasibility of electro-hydrogen propulsion systems is well proven but it is not enough just to work in theory. Green Navy is collaborating with SECO Marine (the marine division of the FETIS Group, based in Nantes, specializing in the energy transition of propulsion) and working to develop safe, reliable, practical, and economically viable solutions. “Hydrogen is a very promising energy vector for a number of marine applications,” says David Bartoletti, General manager of SECO Marine. “It provides a real answer to the decarbonization of vessels like PROMETEO where the size, power, and operational needs make it ideal for hydrogen adoption.”


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