
Holthausen Expands its Activities with Hydrogen Technology

By November 1, 2018 2   min read  (321 words)

November 1, 2018 |

Holthausen Hydrogen Sweeper

The Clean Technology subsidiary has increased its capacity to convert vehicles for the use of hydrogen as fuel by tenfold: from fifty to five hundred per year. For this expansion, a facility of around 2500 square meters will be opened close to the existing facilities

Holthausen recently attracted worldwide attention, when the company converted a Tesla in the hydrogen powered Hesla and its conversion of a city sweeper into a hydrogen powered one.


Holthausen: “Hundreds of municipalities in the world have already approached us: San Francisco, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Rome, places in Australia and India. They wanted to order hundreds of those street sweepers. But we have said: We are going too fast for that. “For the time being, the company only serves the demand from customers from the Netherlands and the neighboring countries.

Holthausen distinguishes itself in three types of areas for clean technology conversion.The company provides electric vans with a range of 100 kilometers of hydrogen technology (a so-called range extender) with which the car can drive 300 to 400 kilometers. The second type of job Holthausen calls 'retro-fit' making vehicles; empty existing vehicles and equiping them with a hydrogen engine.

Holthausen:  ” In addition, there are all kinds of special requests: for the conversion of a plane or a ship sailing on the Wadden Sea. Those kind of things.”

Holthausen also draws the attention from governments and companies with large vehicle fleets. 

The collaboration with the municipality of Groningen is often a model for the interested parties, including the municipality of Amsterdam who already had a garbage truck converted in Hoogezand. Holthausen is currently producing green hydrogen with electricity from the 44,000 panels of the solar park at the filling point at the former waste disposal site at Woldjerspoor. 

The new location will be next to the existing building at the production road 2 in Hoogezand, the former Betaflex / Eriks building. 

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