
Hyundai to Establish 1MW Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Generation Facility in Ulsan

By April 11, 2019 2   min read  (304 words)

April 11, 2019 |

Hyundai 1
  • Annual power generation of 8,000MWh with Nexo Power Module and secondary hydrogen as energy resource in Ulsan

In an agreement signed yesterday, Hyundai Motors will join with Korea East-West Power Generation and Deokyang to enter the eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cell power generation demonstration project in order to activate the hydrogen economy by establishing a 1MW hydrogen fuel cell power plant in Ulsan. Hyundai Motors role will be to construct the fuel cell system. East-West Power will operate the power plant while Deokyang will supply the hydrogen for the project.

This demonstration project is meaningful because of its use of domestic fuel cell power generation technology.

The 1MW hydrogen fuel cell power plant, scheduled for construction in the second half of this year, is modular in that several Nexo hydrogen electric vehicle power modules are installed in the container, making it easy to secure the installation area and capacity.

The facility, which consists of two 500kW class container modules, can produce about 8,000MWh of electricity annually, which is enough to supply electricity to approximately 2,200 households with a monthly usage of 300kWh.

Hydrogen fuel cell power generation uses hydrogen as a direct fuel, so there is no emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants during power generation.

In particular, this facility has advantages in terms of operational economics and utilization of local energy sources by supplying the byproduct hydrogen produced in petrochemical complexes in Ulsan area through hydrogen pipe network.

Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. said, “Ulsan city is regarded as the best city to achieve hydrogen economy because it possesses hydrogen production capacity and supply infrastructure.” ““The pilot project itself is significant for us as we will be able to supply domestically developed generators to the market that is dominated by foreign technologies,”

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