
Brazil’s Eletrobras, Suzano Team Up to Develop Green Hydrogen

By June 27, 2024 3   min read  (468 words)

June 27, 2024 |

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SÃO PAULO–Eletrobras and Suzano signed an agreement to jointly develop sustainable solutions, such as renewable hydrogen and e-methanol, in research that will define the feasibility of building a synthetic fuel production unit, the companies told Reuters this Thursday.

Under the agreement, under discussion since last year, the companies will evaluate the production of “green” fuels based on the use of biogenic CO2, the result of Suzano’s cellulose production process.

Generated from the burning of biomass and black liquor from cellulose production, biogenic CO2 can be captured and mixed with renewable hydrogen, produced with water electrolysis, to produce synthetic and clean fuels, in a production route that presents “demand potential and scalability”, according to the companies.

One of the main solutions in the pipeline is e-methanol, considered a promising alternative for decarbonizing the transport and logistics sector.

“The production of e-methanol…, which is one of the most likely candidates to replace fossil fuels in the maritime industry, for example, would contribute significantly to the energy transition and global decarbonization,” said Suzano Energy Director, Paulo Squariz, in note.

“This agreement establishes the basis for the development of strategic cooperation, with an emphasis on the production of sustainable fuels, and aims to meet the growing demand for low-carbon hydrogen and derivatives in the national and international market”, added the vice president of Commercialization and Eletrobras Energy Solutions, Ítalo Freitas.

The largest energy company in Latin America, Eletrobras has been increasing its focus in the area of ​​new “green” solutions, seeking to take advantage of its huge hydroelectric generating park to offer renewable and competitive electrical energy for future green hydrogen projects and others.

In recent months, the electric company signed a series of memoranda of understanding aiming to expand its studies on green hydrogen, with companies such as Prumo in Rio de Janeiro, Green Energy Park in Piauí, and Paul Wurth.

Suzano is the world’s largest producer of cellulose and a reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from eucalyptus, such as lignin, microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and others. The company is also a large generator of renewable energy from biomass, currently having an installed capacity of 1.3 gigawatt (GW), which is expected to rise to 1.7 GW with the full operation of the Cerrado Project, a new cellulose factory in construction in Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS).

Brazil has been moving forward with the approval of a legal framework for low-carbon hydrogen, which should encourage the installation in Brazil of an industry to produce the renewable fuel on a commercial scale. The Senate approved a bill on the topic this month, providing tax and financial incentives of around 18.3 billion reais, but the text will still be returned for further consideration by the Chamber.


SOURCE: Reuters

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