
Daxing Hydrogen Energy Hub Fuels Beijing’s Green Ambitions

By June 14, 2024 2   min read  (260 words)

June 14, 2024 |

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Beijing’s Daxing district has taken a proactive approach to developing the hydrogen energy industry in recent years, working towards China’s goals of peaking carbon dioxide emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.

The establishment of the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone is a testament to the district’s commitment to developing a green and low-carbon economy.

The demonstration zone, launched in 2020, consists of two main areas: the North Zone and the South Zone. This site is dedicated to hydrogen research and development, utilization, production, exhibition, and exchange, and was incorporated into the Beijing Hydrogen Industry Development Implementation Plan (2021-2025) in August 2021.

The North Zone, spanning 50,000 square meters, began operations in 2021 and features a hydrogen refueling station, an exchange and exhibition center, R&D incubators, and other relevant services. Notably, the Hypower Hydrogenation Station, with a daily hydrogenation capacity of 4.8 tons, is Asia’s largest hydrogen refueling station, paving the way for the large-scale adoption of fuel cell vehicles.

The South Zone, which broke ground in 2021, began operations at the end of 2022. This section includes a testing zone, office buildings, and workshops, further promoting the fuel cell industrial chain.

The Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone offers more than just R&D spaces and production facilities for enterprises. It also emphasizes the establishment of a “one-stop” service system, providing services for startup incubation, human resources, sci-tech finance, intermediary consulting, industry-to-industry exchange, and science and technology transformation.

Daxing hydrogen energy hub fuels Beijing’s green ambitions. source



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