
Egypt Allocates Areas for Producing Green Hydrogen in SCZone: PM Madbouly

By April 11, 2022 2   min read  (270 words)

April 11, 2022 |

Fuel Cells Works, Egypt Allocates Areas for Producing Green Hydrogen in SCZone: PM Madbouly

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said Sunday that Egypt has allocated areas for producing green hydrogen in the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone).

Madbouly’s comments came during his reception for Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal Frans Timmermans, where they discussed means of boosting cooperation between Egypt and EU in the field of the green energy.

Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad also attended the meeting.

The premier stressed Egypt’s keenness on reinforcing its partnership with EU, especially in the field of energy, noting that President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi is paying special focus to the key sector.

Egypt is working on upgrading its energy strategy to include green hydrogen as a source of power, including providing additional investment incentives.

The Egyptian PM also welcomed the EU’s decision to provide a 100 million Euro grant to support Egypt’s food security.

For his side, Timmermans said the consequences of the Ukrainian crisis pushed the EU countries to expedite their transition to renewable energy and diversify the sources of the green energy.

Frans Timmermans is currently in a visit to Cairo, which began on Saturday.

In a meeting with Egypt’s FM Sameh Shoukry on Sunday, Timmermans agreed with the top diplomat and president designate of COP27 to reinforce cooperation on LNG gas and green hydrogen supplies between Europe, Africa and the Gulf.

In a joint statement following the meeting between Shoukry and Timmermans, the two officials stated Egypt and the EU agreed to develop a Mediterranean Green Hydrogen Partnership encompassing hydrogen trade between Europe, Africa and the Gulf.

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