
HOPIUM Will Install a Fuel Cell Assembly Site in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

By June 19, 2024 3   min read  (591 words)

June 19, 2024 |

2024 06 18 17 58 52 e1718762621507
  • Hopium to install fuel cell assembly site
  • in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

Paris– HOPIUM (FR0014000U63 – ALHPI), the cleantech which aims to decarbonize heavy transport, announces the establishment of an industrial site in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (AURA). This installation, located in the Lyon metropolitan area, will bring together the fuel cell assembly, Research and Development (R&D) activities, currently located in Lyon, as well as the validation and testing teams currently established in Montlhéry, consolidating thus Hopium’s efforts to promote innovation and optimize its production capacity on a single site.

“  This strategic location will allow us to benefit from a dynamic environment and a pool of qualified talent, thus promoting increased synergy between the R&D and technical teams for the development of our fuel cell technology for heavy transport. We are confident that this initiative will strengthen our competitiveness and support our desire to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Given Hopium’s new strategic direction, we had to reassess our needs and find a site in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region as close as possible to our R&D teams working on the development of our fuel cell.

As such, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Normandy region, and to its President, Hervé Morin, as well as to Seine Normandie Agglomération and its elected officials, who had from the outset supported the industrial site project to accommodate the development of the Machina. We were impressed by the warm welcome and constant support we received from the authorities, the mobilization of services and all local partners. We sincerely thank the Normandy region for its understanding and unfailing support. We will be attentive to any future industrial opportunities that would allow us to collaborate together again. »  said Stéphane Rabatel, CEO of Hopium.

A high-tech industrial site bringing together core businesses

Hopium has chosen not to industrialize the key parts of its cell and to concentrate on what is at the heart of its technology, namely the design and assembly of the fuel cell as well as the development of the whole of the software that composes it.

Indeed, the company has established privileged relationships with its key suppliers who will provide it with essential components, in particular bipolar plates and membranes, according to the Hopium design, protected by patents. Thanks to these expert suppliers in their field, Hopium will benefit from the latest technological and industrial advances developed within their production factories. Likewise, the company will benefit from cost reductions associated with these industrial optimizations which will naturally be greater than if Hopium had internalized these productions, given the volumes produced and the significant resources of its suppliers.

This strategic choice thus allows Hopium to benefit from key pieces at the forefront of innovation and to concentrate on the very essence of its technology, the manufacturing of its fuel cell, at the same time guaranteeing a very high quality cell. quality. Furthermore, this assembly site project received the support of the judicial administrator and the judge commissioner, in charge of monitoring the current procedure, demonstrating their confidence in the future and the new Hopium project. .

About Hopium

Hopium is a provider of complete hydrogen fuel cell electric power solutions for heavy transport. Committed to the search for a low-carbon and efficient alternative for heavy transport, Hopium aims to transform the sector through the marketing in early 2025 of a range of modular solutions with a power of 100 kW to 400 kW.


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