
Reliance Industries Embarks on a Green Hydrogen Journey: a Glimpse Into Mukesh Ambani’s Vision

By August 7, 2023 3   min read  (449 words)

August 7, 2023 |

Reliance Industries Embarks on a Green Hydrogen Journey a Glimpse Into Mukesh Ambanis Vision

New Delhi– Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), has shed light on the company’s green aspirations in the FY23 annual report, emphasizing the potential of green hydrogen as an affordable alternative to conventional fuels.

RIL’s most notable achievement in the past year was the successful production of green hydrogen using torrefied biomass in gasifiers, a groundbreaking milestone in sustainable energy production.

The transition to green energy sources stands as a pillar of RIL’s decarbonization vision. Ambani proudly shared the company’s advances in crafting a global-standard solar energy value chain and fostering a green hydrogen ecosystem, aiming for green hydrogen to effectively compete with traditional fuels.

RIL’s sustainability blueprint is ambitious, with the target of achieving net carbon neutrality by 2035. A testament to this commitment is the ongoing development of giga-factories within the Dhirubhai Ambani Green Energy Giga Complex located in Jamnagar. These factories symbolize the company’s endeavor to establish a holistic green energy infrastructure.

Global collaboration is at the heart of RIL’s strategy, tapping into the expertise of international partners to fortify its renewable energy pursuits. RIL recognizes the urgency of addressing climate change and believes that its efforts will contribute significantly to global temperature stabilization.

A few milestones RIL aims to achieve include:

  • Elevating the efficiency of its Heterojunction Technology (HJT) modules to 26% by 2026, and eventually reaching 28% with pioneering technologies like perovskite-tandem cell tech.
  • Doubling the longevity of PV modules, aiming for a lifespan of 50 years.
  • Operationalizing a 10 GW solar PV cell and module factory by 2024, using REC technology, with expansion plans to hit 20 GW annual capacity by 2026.

Additionally, RIL has set sights on the energy storage sector, with intentions to roll out battery packs from its advanced energy storage giga factory. The long-term vision encompasses a ramp-up to a fully integrated 50 GWh annual production facility by 2027.

Green hydrogen is evidently a focal point for RIL. Collaborative efforts are underway to produce the most cost-effective green hydrogen from its electrolyser giga factory. The company has set an ambitious timeline to shift entirely to green hydrogen by 2025.

Further, a fuel cell giga factory is in the pipeline, focusing on the progressive replacement of internal combustion engines across various applications, ranging from daily commute vehicles to industrial needs.

Complementing these energy-focused efforts, RIL is harnessing its prowess in telecommunications, cloud computing, and IoT platforms. Investments in the power electronics giga factory will solidify the company’s position in crafting cutting-edge power electronics and software systems.

This holistic approach, blending traditional energy initiatives with digital strengths, positions Reliance Industries at the forefront of India’s green energy revolution.



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