
South Korea Reports Surge in Hydrogen Consumption Due to Increase in Hydrogen Bus Usage

By July 5, 2024 3   min read  (410 words)

July 5, 2024 |

South Korea Reports Surge in Hydrogen Consumption Due to Increase in Hydrogen Bus Usage
  • South Korea Consumes 3,790 Tons of Hydrogen in First Half of the Year, Reports Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
  • Hydrogen Buses to Reach 1,000 Units in 5 Years, 20,000 Units by 2030
  • Hyundai Motor Company has significantly ramped up its hydrogen bus production capacity, increasing from 500 to 3,000 units annually starting this first quarter. By the end of May, Hyundai had already supplied 930 hydrogen buses.

Hydrogen consumption for mobility in South Korea has seen a substantial increase in the first half of this year, with a reported 46% rise compared to the same period in 2023. This growth has been significantly driven by the expansion of hydrogen buses across the nation.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy revealed that during the first six months of the year, hydrogen consumption amounted to 3,790 tons. This increase is largely attributed to the expanding deployment of hydrogen buses, which consume significantly more hydrogen per unit compared to hydrogen passenger cars—approximately 6.2 tons annually per bus versus 0.15 tons for cars.

At the ‘2024 2nd Mobility Hydrogen Supply and Demand Council’ meeting held at the Koreana Hotel in Seoul, the ministry, along with industry stakeholders like Hyundai Motor Company and the Korea Gas Safety Corporation, reviewed this surge in demand and discussed strategies for the second half of the year. It is anticipated that hydrogen consumption will reach about 8,400 tons by year-end due to additional hydrogen vehicle deployments.

Hyundai Motor Company has been particularly active, announcing an increase in their hydrogen bus production capacity from 500 to 3,000 units annually starting in the first quarter of this year. As of the end of May, Hyundai has supplied 930 hydrogen buses, significantly contributing to the development of a hydrogen mobility ecosystem in South Korea. The Jeonju plant, which presently manufactures commercial vehicles, is set to become a production base for hydrogen buses and trucks.

With the completion of the world’s largest liquefied hydrogen plant in Incheon earlier this year, South Korea’s hydrogen supply capacity has significantly increased. This development supports the broader distribution of hydrogen buses and aligns with the government’s ambitious goal to deploy 300,000 hydrogen vehicles, including about 20,000 hydrogen buses, by 2030.

Lee Ho-hyun, director of the Ministry’s Energy Policy Bureau, emphasized the importance of closely managing the supply and demand situation, especially during peak vehicle traffic periods like the summer and Chuseok. This strategic management will ensure that the expansion of hydrogen mobility continues smoothly without supply interruptions.

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