
Douglas Pud Receives Hydrogen-Powered Cars as Plant Ramps Up

By February 8, 2024 2   min read  (370 words)

February 8, 2024 |

Douglas Pud Receives Hydrogen Powered Cars as Plant Ramps Up

Douglas PUD is acquiring several hydrogen-powered cars to promote the emerging vehicle option.

The energy supplier is commissioning a new hydrogen production plant this year, which will produce the fuel to power the cars.

Douglas PUD spokesman Meaghan Vibbert says hydrogen cars have some advantages over the more established electric vehicles.

“You fill up in the same amount of time it would take a regular gas car, so that would be an advantage over an electric vehicle,” Vibbert said. “They will also have less weight because electric vehicles have many more batteries.”

Additionally, hydrogen vehicles can travel a similar distance to a gasoline-powered car before refueling.

Douglas PUD will receive three hydrogen Toyota Murai vehicles that it will use in its fleet and loan to other public entities.

“So we will have these cars, these fuel cell cars, and we will be able to loan them to other public entities to see if they are interested in adding hydrogen vehicles to their fleet as well,” Vibbert said.

A $220,000 grant from Toyota Motor Corporation and the Bonneville Environmental Foundation will be used to purchase the vehicles.

The PUD will also install a hydrogen fueling station at its headquarters on the East Wenatchee campus.

The PUD has just put the project out for bid, which will include hydrogen refueling for cars as well as a Level 3 electric vehicle charging station.

The $25 million hydrogen production facility is located in the Baker Flats area north of East Wenatchee. Excess hydropower generated at the PUD’s Wells Dam on the Columbia River is used to produce the hydrogen.

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Gallery photo credit: Jaime Skelton

SOURCE: Info Broadmoor


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