
H2 Green Steel Supports Lindab in Reducing Its CO2 Footprint From Steel

By May 22, 2024 2   min read  (324 words)

May 22, 2024 |

2024 05 22 07 52 45

Lindab committed very early to purchasing near-zero emissions steel from H2 Green Steel. The two companies have since converted the early term sheet agreement into a 7-year supply contract with deliveries planned to start in 2026. The total volume covered by the contract is 159.000 tons of near-zero emissions steel.

Lindab delivers solutions for energy-efficient ventilation and a healthy indoor climate to the construction industry. Buildings account for 40% of global energy consumption. Efforts to increase energy efficiency in the construction sector are therefore crucial to achieving the target of the Paris Agreement. Lindab is an industry-leader in Europe and also leads the way in sustainability by both helping construct healthy buildings and reduce the environmental impact from its own and its customers’ operations.

 “At Lindab, sustainability is a way of thinking and working. In order for us to deliver on our mission to create buildings with a healthy indoor climate, we need to work with the right partners to minimize the impact in our supply chain. Steel is the biggest emissions driver in our supply chain and together with H2 Green Steel, we will make big strides in this area”, says Ola Ringdahl, President and CEO at Lindab.  

One of Lindab’s focus areas for its operations is sustainable sourcing. This agreement with H2 Green Steel will contribute to a significant drop in carbon emissions in Lindab’s materials supply chain, as steel accounts for a majority of its material purchases.

“This contract shows real commitment from both parties to working together on long-term solutions for significantly reducing the CO2 footprint in this critical sector. Founded in Sweden, Lindab started 65 years ago and have since developed into an international company whilst keeping a down-to-earth culture. This is a journey we can take inspiration from as H2 Green Steel grows, together with partners like Lindab,” says Stephan Flapper, Commercial Director, H2 Green Steel.  


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