
HydrogenPro’s Alkaline Electrolysers for Utah’s Massive Renewable Energy Storage Hub Land in the US

By September 28, 2023 < 1   min read  (111 words)

September 28, 2023 |

2023 09 28 07 40 12 003

PORSGRUNN– This month the first shipment to the world’s largest hub for the storage of renewable energy arrived from HydrogenPro’s plant in Tianjin, China.

The contract includes a total of 40 electrolysers and 20 gas-separation skids and will be completed in 2023. 

Recently the first delivery with 15 electrolysers arrived in the US. The facility in Utah will combine a 220-megawatt bank of high-pressure alkaline electrolysers from HydrogenPro and a storage capacity of 4.5 million barrel salt caverns to store clean hydrogen.

HydrogenPro will complete manufacturing of the electrolyser systems in 2023, followed by instalment and commissioning on-site completed in late 2024.



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