
The Energy Observer 7 Year Odyssey Is Coming to an End

By June 19, 2024 3   min read  (519 words)

June 19, 2024 |

The Energy Observer 7 Year Odyssey is coming to an end
  • The groundbreaking Energy Observer Odyssey is concluding, but the journey toward sustainability continues with several exciting new ventures including a laboratory ship for synthetic fuels, a documentary series, a digital platform, and a research observatory.
  • These initiatives build on the impressive legacy of the Energy Observer, which demonstrated the viability of hydrogen technology across diverse environmental conditions during its seven-year global voyage.

Energy Observer Odyssey Concludes with Promise of New Sustainable Ventures

The Energy Observer 7 Year Odyssey Is Coming to an End1 scaled

Saint-Malo, France—The Energy Observer, known for its pioneering global maritime expedition, made a symbolic return to Saint-Malo on June 14, marking the end of a remarkable seven-year journey that spanned over 68,000 nautical miles and visited 50 countries. This vessel, powered by a unique mix of renewable energies, including hydrogen and solar, has not only tested the boundaries of clean energy but has also set the stage for further groundbreaking projects.

The Energy Observer 7 Year Odyssey Is Coming to an End2

New Projects on the Horizon

With the Odyssey completed, the team behind Energy Observer is launching several ambitious initiatives:

  • Energy Observer 3: A new laboratory ship that will focus on the exploration and development of synthetic fuels and related technologies. This vessel will continue the legacy of its predecessor by pushing the limits of onboard energy systems.
  • Energy, the Enlightened Future: A documentary series that will delve into the adventures and technological explorations of the new ship. Comprising ten episodes, the series will feature five energy explorers who will investigate and narrate the complexities of the modern energy landscape.
  • Energy Observer Weekly: A digital platform aimed at offering weekly in-depth analyses of energy-related issues. This initiative will help educate and engage the public on the critical energy challenges and innovations shaping our world.
  • The Energy Observatory: Located in Saint-Malo, this facility will serve as a research and education hub on energy transition. Open to the public daily, it will intersect science, technology, art, and history to foster a comprehensive understanding of sustainable energy solutions.

Legacy and Impact of the Energy Observer

Launched on April 14, 2017, the Energy Observer was the first vessel of its kind to circumnavigate the globe powered solely by renewable energy sources. Throughout its voyages, it served as a floating laboratory, demonstrating the practicality and efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells and other green technologies under various environmental conditions. Its journey has led to the creation of industrial entities like EODev and EO Concept, further contributing to the maritime and energy sectors.

Celebrating the Journey

To celebrate its achievements and share its technologies, the Energy Observer will be open to the public in Saint-Malo from June 14 to 23, before heading to Paris from July 27, with an accompanying exhibition village available from September 12 to October 13. These events offer a unique opportunity for the public to engage with the technologies that propelled the vessel around the world and to learn more about the future of sustainable maritime transport.

As the Energy Observer team transitions to these new projects, their continued innovation in renewable energy and sustainable practices stands as a beacon of hope and a model for future endeavors in the global push towards a low-carbon world.



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