
TU Delft Students Achieve New Milestone With Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle

By June 27, 2023 2   min read  (246 words)

June 27, 2023 |

tu delft students achieve new milestone with hydrogenpowered vehicle

Eco-Runner Team Delft created the world’s fastest and most efficient hydrogen vehicle, covering 2,488.5 km without refuelling and breaking a Guinness World Record.

Historic Achievement

In an extraordinary display of innovation, students from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands have broken new ground by setting a new record with a hydrogen vehicle. Their vehicle, the Eco-Runner XI, has attained the highest efficiency level ever recorded for a hydrogen-powered vehicle.

Record-Breaking Efficiency

The Eco-Runner XI covered a distance of 1693 kilometers using just one cubic meter of hydrogen gas, the equivalent of consuming only 0.0085 liters of gasoline. This feat of efficiency shattered the previous record, highlighting the potential of hydrogen power in revolutionizing the future of transportation.

Statements from Key Participants

Team Manager, Guus Driessen, exclaimed: “We are incredibly proud that we have been able to break this record. It is a huge reward for a year of hard work.”

The Eco-Runner Team

The Eco-Runner team, composed of 20 TU Delft students, designed and built the Eco-Runner XI, continuing their university’s long-standing tradition of innovation and technological advancement. Their achievement underscores the importance of hands-on educational experience in shaping future pioneers of technology.

Promoting Green Mobility

The record-breaking performance of the Eco-Runner XI showcases the viability of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel alternative for the future of mobility, thereby aligning with global efforts to transition towards cleaner, green energy sources.

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