
Turtle Island Hydrogen Group and RONN Meet with Five First Nations Canada Tribal Chiefs and Energy Executives

By October 27, 2023 3   min read  (458 words)

October 27, 2023 |

RONN Motor Group

SCOTTSDALE, AZ– RONN, Inc. meets to discuss long and short-term climate plans and introduce formal terms for potentially seven of RONN’s fifty million dollar Hydrogen Hubs combined with multiple Hydrogen Electric Truck Pilot Programs strategically across Canada.

RONN Inc. and Turtle Island, along with Tribal and Energy leaders, met in Edmonton, Canada, for a two-day conference. Ronn Ford led the two-day event, including several Chiefs and other representatives from coast to coast. The first day was educational. On the second day, RONN’s proposal and term sheet were introduced to the Chiefs present. An alliance was formed with the Chiefs from both coasts. Ronn Ford was presented with two initial Letters of Commitment to move forward from the West and East Coast.

“The energy and transportation sector emission and environmental impact is ripe for a revolution. With its unwavering focus on decarbonization, RONN recognizes this sector’s immense potential for positive change. By signing an agreement with First Nations Turtle Island, both companies have taken the first bold step towards a collaborative journey to help expedite First Nations Canada’s vision of a green, sustainable future for its citizens.”- Ronn Ford 9-2023

RONN plans to establish seven starter seed hydrogen hubs across the First Nations lands, complete with RONN Hydrogen Electric logistic trucks, stated Ronn Ford, CEO. The 50 million dollar packages allow communities and businesses of all sizes to familiarize themselves with Hydrogen electricity’s mobile and stationary applications. Mr. Ford continued that site locations have begun to be evaluated, and a search has already started for a development partner to manage the ground and utility work needed.

About Turtle Island Hydrogen Group

Turtle Island Group is a dynamic and innovative company committed to preserving the environment and supporting sustainable solutions. Established with a vision to make a positive impact on our planet, Turtle Island Group is dedicated to creating and promoting eco-friendly products and services. Our passionate team is driven by the belief that protecting the Earth’s natural beauty is paramount. We specialize in a range of initiatives, from renewable energy projects to wildlife conservation efforts, all aimed at leaving a greener footprint on the world. Join us in our mission to promote responsible stewardship of our planet and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

About RONN Inc.

RONN is an automotive company at the forefront of hydrogen fuel cell technology. Recognized for its unique propulsion solutions, RONN is committed to delivering high-performance vehicles and hydrogen production systems that prioritize environmental responsibility and efficiency.

For more information go to or contact Sheila R. Stewart at 480.414.9922 (c) or [email protected]

SOURCE: RONN Motor Group


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