
Air Liquide Opens Japan’s Largest Hydrogen Refueling Station in Mitomiya, Fukushima

By May 22, 2024 2   min read  (333 words)

May 22, 2024 |

2024 05 20 13 29 02 9

Air Liquide is proud to announce the inauguration of Japan’s largest hydrogen refueling station, located strategically in Mitomiya, Fukushima prefecture. The Motomiya IC Hydrogen Station, which began operations on May 16, 2024, represents a significant advancement in hydrogen infrastructure development in Japan.

Situated near a major logistics hub close to the Tohoku Expressway, the station is ideally placed to support the burgeoning demand for hydrogen fuel within the commercial transportation sector. This facility is equipped with two dispensers and will operate 24/7, ensuring round-the-clock service for large fleets of delivery trucks, enhancing the operational efficiency and sustainability of logistics operations.

In collaboration with CJPT (Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies Corporation)—a joint venture that includes industry giants Toyota Motor Corporation, Isuzu, and Hino Trucks—Air Liquide will support the deployment of 60 fuel cell hydrogen trucks over the coming months. This initiative is a key component of Japan’s transition towards sustainable transportation solutions.

The Motomiya IC Hydrogen Station is hosted by ITOCHU Corporation and Itochu ENEX, demonstrating the effective partnership between leading industrial and energy firms. The project has received substantial support from both the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Fukushima Prefecture, reflecting the strong governmental backing for hydrogen energy initiatives.

Air Liquide extends heartfelt congratulations to all teams involved, especially those at Air Liquide Japan and GM&T, for their dedication and hard work in achieving this milestone. This station not only serves as a critical infrastructure for current hydrogen demand but also as a foundation for the expansion of hydrogen energy in Japan.

Looking ahead, Air Liquide, along with its partners, plans to continue expanding the hydrogen market, leveraging ITOCHU’s vast network, Air Liquide’s expertise in hydrogen production and supply, and ITOCHU Enex’s robust customer base and energy distribution capabilities. This comprehensive approach ensures that the Motomiya IC Hydrogen Station will play a pivotal role in Japan’s journey towards a sustainable hydrogen-powered future.

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