
Australia and France Connect to Discuss Global Trade and Investment Opportunities through Hydrogen

By June 3, 2020 3   min read  (430 words)

June 3, 2020 |

NERA Hydrogen

NERA has helped Australia to strengthen its relationship with France by providing an overview of Australian and Queensland hydrogen industry opportunities to French businesses as part of a webinar hosted by MEDEF International and Trade and Investment Queensland on 27 May 2020.

The joint webinar, titled ‘Australia — Queensland: Investing in a Hydrogen Future’, focussed on hydrogen production and storage in Queensland and facilitated an open discussion about investment and trade links for both Australian and French businesses.

General Manager Paul Hodgson represented NERA as part of the discussion, highlighting hydrogen drivers and opportunities for Australia and Queensland; Australian hydrogen strategies, plans, funding and initiatives; and the trade and investment opportunities for French companies.

As an independent industry-led research and knowledge organisation for Australia’s energy resources sector, NERA understands that hydrogen is a significant opportunity to maintain and grow Australia’s position as a global energy powerhouse, building on our success in other energy industries. We also understand that for Australia to be a sought-after global destination for investment and a leading source of knowledge and solutions, this requires strong investment and trade relationships in all energy segments, including hydrogen.

Australia and France have a strong and well established trade, investment and cultural relationship. French companies, such as Engie, Neoen, Air Liquide, Total and Schneider Electric, have long been valuable investors in and contributors to Australia’s energy sector, and hydrogen represents an opportunity to strengthen this existing relationship between our countries.

With France taking a strong lead in the growth of the hydrogen sector globally, already investing in Australian hydrogen demonstration projects, Australia’s participation in this webinar will help increase understanding and facilitate further two-way investment and trade flows, as well as help position Australia as a global leader in hydrogen.

In late 2019, NERA was chosen to deliver a new industry-led hydrogen cluster as part of the National Hydrogen Strategy released by the Council for Australian Governments (COAG). The Australian Hydrogen Industry Technology Cluster will drive crucial collaboration across the emerging hydrogen value chain, building the scale and capabilities of existing industry start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs and further leveraging and developing their technologies that will sustain a clean, innovative, competitive and safe hydrogen industry.

As the Industry Growth Centre for Australia’s energy resources sector, NERA will continue to help strengthen Australia’s trade and investment relationships with key international partners and markets, with the aim of positioning Australia as a leading source of hydrogen knowledge and solutions for the benefit of all Australians.

Source: NERA

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