
California: FCEV Sales, FCEB, & Hydrogen Station Data January 1st 2020

By January 10, 2020 2   min read  (229 words)

January 10, 2020 |


The table shows how many fuel cell cars have been sold and leased, how many fuel cell buses are on the road, and how many hydrogen stations are open in California.

Numbers as of January 1, 2020 Total
*FCEVs—Fuel cell cars sold and leased in US 7,994
FCEBs—Fuel cell buses in operation in California 42
Retail hydrogen stations open in California 44
Fuel cell buses in development in California 7
Fuel cell shuttles in development in California 4
**Retail hydrogen stations in development in California 19


*Vehicle sales data from Baum and Associates. Sales data is based on car sales sold by a dealer to a retail or fleet customer. FCEV Sales Data sheet
FCEB Source:  AC Transit, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), SunLine Transit, UC Irvine
Hydrogen station source: Air Liquide, Air Products, GO-Biz, ITM Power, Iwatani, Shell, True Zero
**Stations in development is based on CA Energy Commission funding announcements. The number may change.

The table shows how many fuel cell cars have been sold and leased, and how many fuel cell buses are on the road in Japan.

Numbers as of November 1, 2019 Total
FCEVs—Fuel cell cars sold and leased in Japan 3,521
FCEBs—Fuel cell buses in operation in Japan 22


Number of total Japan FCEV sales and FCEB data from Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

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