
Connecticut: Danbury Rep. Arconti Leads House Passage Of Fuel Cell Bill

By May 26, 2021 2   min read  (288 words)

May 26, 2021 |

Fuel cells works, hydrogen, Connecticut, fuel cell

State Rep. David Arconti (D-Danbury) House chair of the Energy & Technology Committee, led passage of a measure that will allow utility companies the solicitation of new fuel cell electricity generation projects that will strengthen the power grid, create high-tech manufacturing jobs and positively impact the economy.

House Bill 6524 – one of the committee’s priorities this session, passed the House of Representatives almost unanimously, and will now go to the senate for their consideration.

“I am proud of the work our committee has done this session prioritizing measures that will ultimately benefit consumers,” said Rep. Arconti. “Connecticut is home to various fuel cell technology companies that are ready to move forward with plans that will bring new options to the fuel industry, and passage of this bill is certainly a step in that direction.”

Provisions in the bill require the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to evaluate submitted project proposals consistent with ratemaking principles established in state law and authorizes PURA to approve projects including giving commercial or industrial electric or gas customers on-site generation to increase power quality or resilience, provide back-up power and or reduce energy costs.

“I am encouraged by the bipartisan support of this bill and look forward to seeing it through the finish line before the end of session. I am grateful to my senate chair Sen. Norman Needleman, all our committee members and everyone involved in making this happen. For far too long we have been fighting this fight and the recent rulings against the utility companies handling of last year’s storms gave us more evidence and confirmation that now is the time.”

Source: The Connecticut General Assembly

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