
EMT Invests 10.8 Million Euros to Build Its Hydroelectric Plant and the Photovoltaic Installation That Will Supply It

By May 12, 2022 3   min read  (465 words)

May 12, 2022 |

Fuel Cells Works, EMT Invests 10.8 Million Euros to Build Its Hydroelectric Plant and the Photovoltaic Installation That Will Supply It

The Municipal Transport Company of Madrid has just awarded the drafting and execution of the project to build its hydroelectric plant and the photovoltaic installation that will supply it at the Entrevías Operations Center. The total amount of the award amounts to 10.86 million euros (excluding VAT).

The new refueling station will provide several green hydrogen recharging stations for the fleet of ten buses that EMT plans to acquire in a first phase. The project involves the commissioning of the necessary facilities for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen. It also includes the installation and commissioning of photovoltaic panels capable of generating all the energy necessary for the production of H2 from renewable sources. In addition to the drafting and execution, the tender also includes both preventive and corrective maintenance of the facilities for five years. The total execution period of the project will be 19 and a half months: one and a half months for the drafting of the project and 18 months for its execution.

Of the total amount of the award, the execution will amount to 10.2 million. Other items are also considered, such as the drafting of the project, with almost 238,000 euros and the maintenance service with more than 369,000 euros. This action is financed by the European Union; For the first time, EMT has obtained access to ERDF funds that will mean an injection of financing of 2.9 million euros.

With this award, EMT makes decisive progress in the construction plans of its innovative green hydrogen refueling plant for public transport in the city of Madrid, betting on H2 as a fundamental energy vector for sustainable mobility.

EMT, pioneer and innovator

Back in 2002, EMT was the first Spanish transport operator to test the operation of hydrogen-powered fuel cell buses thanks to the CityCell and HyFleet:CUTE community projects.

In 2020, the municipal company once again considers the advantages of using this “clean” fuel and signs a strategic alliance with the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center (CNH2) with the aim of promoting the development and implementation of technologies applied to this fuel. The CNH2 is a national research space aimed at promoting research into hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

The use of hydrogen as fuel is a strategic project of special importance in the plans of the Municipal Transport Company. Both the new EMT Strategic Plan, which will govern the course of the organization until 2025, and the Madrid 360 Environmental Strategy contemplate a green and decarbonized company with a sustainable energy model as an objective. To achieve this, the transformation of the fleet is a fundamental milestone: in December of this year the diesel vehicles will be withdrawn and the municipal fleet will only provide service with electric and natural gas buses.

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