
Energy Observer: Over 40,000 Nautical Miles Sailed On Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

By July 21, 2021 < 1   min read  (197 words)

July 21, 2021 |

Fuel Cells Works, Energy Observer: Over 40,000 Nautical Miles Sailed On Fuel Cells And Hydrogen

Since leaving its home port of Saint-Malo in 2017, Energy Observer undertook a 7-years round-the-world Odyssey that will continue until 2024. The ship already sailed over 40 000 nautical miles, made 68 stopovers -15 of which with its educational exhibition- and visited 30 countries.

Grande-Terre, New Caledonia, Energy Observer’s 68th stopover

Energy Observer, the first hydrogen ship to sail around the world, left Hawaii on the 20th of June and proved once again that energy autonomy is essential: 3,366 nautical miles (average speed: 5,6 knts) to cross the Pacific Ocean and reach New Caledonia. The journey took 25 days, relying only on the energy the ship can create, the hydrogen she stores and the wind in her sails.

Despite its natural resources and abundance of renewable energy sources, New Caledonia was still 97% dependant on fossil fuels in 2019, with over 5 200 000 tons of CO2 emitted per year (source: Agence Calédonienne de l’Énergie). However, the government aims to reduce the collectivity’s CO2 emissions by 35% and double the renewable energy production by 2030. Energy Observer arrives in the archipelago to investigate the actions being undertaken to reach these green goals.

Source: Energy Observer

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