
Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek Wants “Cape Canaveral of Hydrogen” in Germany

By June 2, 2020 2   min read  (405 words)

June 2, 2020 |

Germany as a Cape Canaveral

Berlin (dts Nachrichtenagentur) — In front of the coalition summit, Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek is pressing for a billion-euro program to promote hydrogen technology. “We need a Cape Canaveral of hydrogen in Germany,” the CDU politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Monday editions). Therefore, she wants to implement an innovation offensive “Hydrogen Republic Germany” by 2025.

“We have to support them with billions from the state.” Cape Canaveral is the United States’ spaceport in Florida. 

Karliczek announced that the federal government would shortly adopt the National Hydrogen Strategy. The talks should be completed the week after next. “In order to successfully build up a hydrogen economy in Germany and to make our country the leading market for hydrogen technologies, we have to be ambitious,” she said. “We have to show across industries how production, transportation and the distribution and use of green hydrogen works.”

Karliczek campaigned for the coalition to “send a signal” at its top meeting on Tuesday. The Minister confirmed: “We want to become world champions in the field of green hydrogen. We want to research, develop and manufacture technologies in Germany that set standards worldwide and have the potential for new export hits `Made in Germany`.“ As soon as the strategy has been decided, the Ministry of Research starts a call for funding for an ideas exchange. “With the help of research, we want to move quickly into large-scale industrial applications. Therefore, specific goals and contributions by the economy are important, ”she affirmed. “Writing a strategy is not enough. The strategy must be implemented quickly, powerfully and effectively. ”

 “As soon as the strategy has been decided, the research ministry will launch a call for funding for an ideas exchange. “With the help of research, we want to move quickly into large-scale industrial applications. Therefore, specific goals and contributions by the economy are important, ”she affirmed. “Writing a strategy is not enough. The strategy must be implemented quickly, powerfully and effectively. ”

 “As soon as the strategy has been decided, the research ministry will launch a call for funding for an ideas exchange. “With the help of research, we want to move quickly into large-scale industrial applications. Therefore, specific goals and contributions by the economy are important, ”she affirmed. “Writing a strategy is not enough. The strategy must be implemented quickly, powerfully and effectively. ”

Source: dts news agency

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