
Four Companies Team Up to Test Green Hydrogen Truck in Geneva

By October 8, 2019 3   min read  (610 words)

October 8, 2019 |

GoH Kicks Off Tw

The first green hydrogen truck is under preparation in Geneva: it’s the “GOH! – Generation Of Hydrogen “. 

This innovative project, presented today, aims to build and test the first 40-tonne truck powered by green hydrogen. This truck for the transport of goods will circulate throughout the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Migros Cooperative Geneva and GreenGT have decided to partner with LARAG and the Geneva Industrial Services to implement the “GOH! “. Coordinated by the Nomads Foundation, the four economic players combine their know-how to meet this challenge of sustainable mobility.

The Nomads Foundation thus succeeds in its co-creation bet by presenting a strong project from its Mobility Hubs and Future Jobs. The Migros Cooperative Geneva and GreeGT will be working with LARAG and SIG on Tuesday, October 8th, to implement the GOH ! Project .

The objective is to demonstrate, as a first step, the economic and technical viability of a green and local hydrogen sector for heavy vehicles to reduce CO₂ emissions. The truck will be tested by Migros Geneva for deliveries in the region. Green hydrogen will be a renewable source is produced by GIS. GreenGT will design the propulsion chain which will then be assembled by LARAG on the truck. Each actor is an essential link in this project.

This new technology related to green hydrogen requires the establishment of training courses adapted to these changes. Training is also an essential mission of GOH actors to make the project sustainable in the future.

In the current context where the energy transition is essential, Jean-Luc Favre, vice-president of the Nomads Foundation says: “it is by working together and in confidence that we find viable and sustainable solutions in innovation and training “.

Migros Geneva as a distributor has always favored and implemented hybrid solutions (road/rail) to reduce its carbon footprint. With the GOH! Challenge, Migros Geneva is fully and concretely part of Migros Group’s global strategy for a better energy transition by focusing on the hydrogen truck in a first test phase.

GreenGTis one of the world leaders in the field of high power electric-hydrogen propulsion. The company is now applying its technology to trucks in response to strong demand from the truck market. The latter continues the transition initiated by individual motor vehicles towards a soft logistics. Note that the hydrogen electric vehicle itself produces its energy through an electric-hydrogen generator also called “fuel cell”. It does not emit exhaust fumes or smoke, only water.

LARAGis the Swiss specialist in commercial vehicles and engines, including alternative engines. The company is logically positioned as the preferred partner to implement new GreenGT technologies on Kamaz chassis. As part of the GOH project! she is in charge of assembling the GreenGT propulsion chain. LARAG is also committed to implementing training and maintenance of the prototype adapted to the new elements.

SIG will be responsible for producing green hydrogen for the GOH project !. To ensure the production of hydrogen-based on renewable energy, SIG will install an electrolyser. This investment will realistically integrate and test the green hydrogen production and distribution circuit. Through its collaboration, SIG contributes to the development of sustainable mobility and the deployment of alternative sources of energy to support the energy transition.

The Nomads Foundation is a non-profit private non-profit foundation. It works so that everyone has their place by putting innovation and training at the service of the common good. As part of the project GOH! Nomads ensures the efficient and harmonious collaboration of the four economic partners, as well as training professionals. Together, they bring practical and sustainable solutions for mobility within Greater Geneva.

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