
France: The Occitanie Region Launches a Call for Hydrogen Mobility Projects

By October 27, 2019 2   min read  (394 words)

October 27, 2019 |

mobilite hydrogene france

The Occitan Region launches the “Territory H2 Occitanie” Call for Projects

Launched in partnership with Ademe,  it aims to support the development of territorial hydrogen mobility ecosystems ” including production and distribution sites to supply fleets of professional vehicles (transport of people or goods), specifies the Region. The aid provided will support investments for the production of hydrogen from renewable resources, distribution, and acquisition of vehicles.
Three sessions are planned, project holders can submit their application before 21 February 2020, 10 July 2020 and 29 January

“To fight against global warming, with Agnès Langevine Vice President in charge of the energy and ecological transition, we are pursuing an ambitious policy, which aims to make Occitania the leading region for green hydrogen. Last May, we were the first region to adopt a global strategy on the hydrogen sector. This strategy intends to continue our efforts to of our region a “Positive Energy Region”, a scenario that aims to halve energy consumption and multiply by three the production of renewable energy. This will only be possible if we associate all the stakeholders of the territory; all the sense of the call for projects we are launching today. We must encourage and support the production of green energies and the development of green mobility in all territories, ” said Chairman Carole Delga

The Region is on the cutting edge of developing green hydrogen
The Occitania Region has decided to launch its Green Hydrogen Plan, with € 150m for the period 2019-2030, which will generate 1 billion euros of investment. This plan will allow the Region to accelerate the large scale deployment of hydrogen solution.

By 2024, this plan will support:

  • The acquisition of 3 Régolis hydrogen train sets (€ 33m committed as of 2019)
  • The construction of 20 green hydrogen production/distribution stations ;
  • The construction of a “Lucia” hydrogen production plant (Port-laNouvelle) and 2 industrial electrolyzers (Hyport project in Blagnac and Tarbes);
  •  The acquisition of 600 hydrogen vehicles (heavy, utility and light).

This equipment will be multiplied by 2030 with:

  • The construction of two green hydrogen plants ;
  • The production of 55 green hydrogen production/distribution sites ;
  • The construction of 10 electrolyzers;
  • The acquisition of 3,250 hydrogen vehicles.

By 2030, the Region intends to go further with the construction of two green hydrogen plants, the construction of 55 green hydrogen production/distribution sites, the construction of ten electrolyzers and the acquisition of 3,250 hydrogen vehicles.


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