
Germany: Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek Wants to Import Hydrogen from Africa on a Large Scale

By January 27, 2020 2   min read  (346 words)

January 27, 2020 |

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  • “Green Hydrogen is the Fuel of the Future”

Berlin–Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) wants to import hydrogen from Africa on a large scale in order to save the energy transition. “Green Hydrogen is the Fuel of the Future”,” said Karliczek . The goal is to cover German energy needs “over 50 percent from imported, sustainably produced hydrogen” by 2050.

Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) wants to import hydrogen from Africa on a large scale in order to save the energy transition.

“The green, imported hydrogen is tomorrow’s oil,” Karliczek told Spiegel. The aim is to meet German energy needs “by over 50 percent from imported, sustainably produced hydrogen” by 2050.

The Federal Government will present its hydrogen strategy in February this year. “We are in discussion with Australia and, above all, with African countries,” the research minister continued.

The climatic conditions there would “enable significantly more efficient and therefore cheaper production of green hydrogen than in this country,” said Karliczek.

Imagine “a cycle” in which everyone involved benefited. “Germany sells the technology: wind turbines, desalination plants, and electrolysers. In return, the partners in Africa sell us the energy that they produce with German environmental technology,” continued the CDU politician.

The federal government is currently preparing an atlas for Africa with the best locations. “It also depends on stable political conditions,” said the research minister. The hydrogen could then “be transported to Europe in the form of ammonia by ship”.

In her view, Karliczek emphasized the huge potential of the energy source. For them, green hydrogen is “the energy source of the future”. He has “what it takes to really bring the energy transition to its destination,” continued the CDU politician. “Acceptance for wind turbines is simply limited, however, you want to see it,” Karliczek told Der Spiegel.

Germany must become the “hydrogen innovation country in the world”. “Europe is also waiting for us. We want to become trendsetters and have no time to lose,” said the Minister for Research.

Source: dts news agency

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