
Hamburg’s Hydrogen Focus

By July 29, 2020 2   min read  (327 words)

July 29, 2020 |

Fuel cells works, hydrogen, Hamburg, network, fuel cells

Hydrogen is meant to be at the heart of Germany’s – and Europe’s, energy transitions. Its capabilities will allow the continent to achieve its ambitious climate targets and take the fight against climate change to the next level, should they be properly harnessed and made use of.

Among the leading regions in the development of hydrogen is Germany’s Hamburg, which has spearheaded numerous initiatives meant to give it a leg-up in the upcoming race to the top.

The German National Hydrogen Strategy – a perfect opportunity for Hamburg to shine

In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, governments across Europe are looking for different ways in which to revive their economies and make them more sustainable and resilient to shock. One of the ways this can be achieved is by investing in innovation and innovative practices – at least’s that is what Germany is doing through its 7-billion-euro stimulus package meant for the implementation of the country’s National Innovation Programme.

A key pillar of said programme is the development of hydrogen in the north – including Hamburg. And the Hanseatic city is perfectly poised to seize the opportunity since hydrogen has been at the very heart of many decisions made by its authorities – its exploitation even makes up a part of the governing coalition’s agreement.

Authorities in Hamburg have announced their readiness and commitment to transform the local industry into one that can make the best use of hydrogen in order to stimulate growth, create jobs and work towards achieving a more sustainable lifestyle.

By making use of its already established renewable energy sector, Hamburg can lead the way in making hydrogen mainstream in the whole of Germany. Thanks to the region’s capabilities, it can also prove decisively that it is through hydrogen that Europe can combine both sustainable growth and environmentally friendly practices.

Source: The Mayor


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