
Hexagon Brings Hydrogen and Light Duty Vehicles Under One Name: Hexagon Purus

By January 30, 2019 2   min read  (188 words)

January 30, 2019 |

Hexagon Composites Logo2
Hexagon xperion GmbH has changed its name to Hexagon Purus GmbH, effective January 22nd, 2019.

We have also migrated to a new group wide e-mail domain. As of January 28th, 2019, you will reach us via firstname.lastname(at) All other details like general terms & conditions, delivery terms, telephone numbers, invoice and delivery address, previous bank accounts, tax and VAT numbers remain unchanged. All existing contracts and agreements will also remain unaffected.

Hexagon Purus Icons
Hexagon Purus hydrogen


We strongly believe in the future of clean energy – and to support this transition, we have unified our group-wide Hydrogen and Light-Duty Vehicle businesses under one name: Hexagon Purus.

For us, Purus represents something new, clean and unique. We are clarifying and sharpening our clean energy focus. Hexagon Purus gives us the opportunity to do something different!

Through our purpose, driving energy transformation, we are committed to deliver clean mobility solutions to the world. We will continue working together with our trusted partners to help make alternative fuels an everyday reality and position our customers´ products for success!

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