
High Global Interest for South Australia’s for the $593 Million Hydrogen Jobs Plan

By July 29, 2022 2   min read  (352 words)

July 29, 2022 |

Fuel Cells Works, High Global Interest for South Australia’s for the $593 Million Hydrogen Jobs Plan

The Malinauskas Labor Government has received 60 proposals from organisations across the world vying to showcase their capabilities and ideas for the $593 million Hydrogen Jobs Plan.

The State Government’s market sounding process, calling for proposals from industry on the technical, system and commercial project approaches for the hydrogen facility has closed.

The submissions, which will help shape final design and implementation, came from global operators with experience in developing green hydrogen infrastructure in other jurisdictions; large scale renewable energy developers; companies with links to local industry and local workforces; along with organisations that partner with universities for research, training, and development.

The recently established Office of Hydrogen Power will use these submissions to inform the future procurement processes and final site selection for the project.

The design and construction of this pioneering project will help accelerate South Australia’s green hydrogen industry, unlock the development of a $20 billion pipeline of renewable energy projects and catalyse the creation of new jobs in the supply chain industries.

The next step will be to identify the concepts with potential to reap the greatest benefit to the South Australian burgeoning green hydrogen industry – and continue the work to make it happen.

Peter Malinauskas said

“It is clear our bold vision for hydrogen has captured the imagination of the world.

The high interest in the Market Sounding Process has demonstrated the level of interest in the state’s hydrogen jobs plan and leaves little doubt that the green hydrogen industry in South Australia is on the up and up.

We have positioned our State as a world leader in renewable energy, and the green hydrogen industry is the next step as we head towards net zero carbon emissions.”

Office of Hydrogen Power SA’s Sam Crafter said

“I am pleased with the number of responses we have received from across the globe and here at home.

We will continue to analyse the submissions over the coming days and weeks, and we look forward to working with industry to deliver the Hydrogen Jobs Plan.”

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