
Hyundai’s Vision Embedded in ‘H’, a Sustainable Future

By March 16, 2021 6   min read  (966 words)

March 16, 2021 |

Fuel cells works, Hyundai's Vision Embedded in 'H', a Sustainable Future

Hyundai Motor Company unveiled the brand film’A single letter, H’. We looked at Hyundai Motor’s vision to advance into an eco-friendly hydrogen society through brand films.

This year, Hyundai Motor Company introduced the world’s first mass-produced hydrogen electric heavy-duty truck,’XCIENT Fuel Cell’. Hyundai Motor, which mass-produced the world’s first hydrogen electric vehicle and led the popularization of hydrogen electric vehicles through Nexo, introduced a fuel cell system to the commercial vehicle field as well. In addition, Hyundai Motor Company also unveiled the brand film’A single letter, H’, which contains the vision of the future to be created with the fuel cell system. We looked at Hyundai Motor’s future vision to be presented in the letter’H’.

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When we imagine a word that starts with the letter’H’, which word do we think of first? The video tells us that most people will be the first to think of the word’home’, the place where we stay from birth to the end of their lives.

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At the same time, it is said that the house is a place where lives are made and a place where we live now, but in a broader sense, it is said that humans have stayed there and should continue to stay in the future. In other words, the house we want to talk about in the video is the earth, the place where all humans are born and lived.

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Until now, we have thought of the Earth as human-centered. Since it is a place where humanity resides (Habitat), it has pursued endless development for the prosperity of mankind. However, the video continuously shows the earth’s environment, which is being devastated by indiscreet development, and since development that only humanity thought requires too much price, he advises that now is the time to ask ourselves the question of’what is the future development?’ .

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So, what must we compete with, and in what direction should we develop? The video suggests the keyword of humility and says that it is a time when progress is needed to make a better future, not just for humanity. In order to continue living on the planet that humanity regards as home, efforts for coexistence with the planet and a changed way of development are necessary.

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Coexistence with the earth here means harmony with nature and eco-friendly development, which we often talk about. It is said that there is a need for development based on technology that can guarantee the convenience of mankind, not only considering the convenience of mankind, but also without damaging the environment.

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The video introduces the heritage of Hyundai, which has been accumulated through long research and development as a technology that guarantees the convenience of mankind while in harmony with nature. Its legacy is a hydrogen electric vehicle that combines eco-friendliness and efficiency for drivers. After starting the development of hydrogen electric vehicles in 1998, Hyundai Motor Company succeeded in mass production of hydrogen electric vehicles for the first time in the world in 2013. In 2018, it led the popularization of hydrogen electric vehicles by launching the NEXO, which secured the world’s longest mileage among hydrogen electric vehicles, and expanded its domain to the commercial vehicle field, introducing hydrogen electric buses and hydrogen electric trucks, etc. It presents milestones for possible development.

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The video says that Hyundai Motor’s efforts to develop hydrogen electric vehicles are’Progress for Humanity’. It means that the sustainable development that mankind has dreamed of has come to life. Hydrogen is abundant enough to account for about 75% of the mass of the universe, and since it does not emit carbon in the process of making energy, it has long been evaluated as the ultimate eco-friendly energy. However, fuel cell systems that use hydrogen to generate electricity have very limited applications due to technical limitations. Hyundai Motor Company succeeded in miniaturizing and enhancing safety so that such fuel cell systems can be applied to automobiles. It proved that hydrogen energy can be utilized in other industries such as heating and power generation as well as the use of hydrogen energy in the mobility field by mounting a fuel cell in a vehicle running at high speed. This also means that eco-friendly hydrogen energy for coexistence with the earth can replace the existing energy system.

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The hydrogen electric vehicle that Hyundai Motor Company introduced that runs on hydrogen as an energy source is not only excellent in eco-friendliness. Hyundai Motor’s fuel cell system is a technology that harmonizes eco-friendliness and efficiency for drivers. The Exient hydrogen electric truck recently launched by Hyundai Motor Company has excellent economy and efficiency. Hydrogen tanks, the main energy source of hydrogen electric trucks, are smaller in volume and lighter in weight than batteries, so they can carry more loads and travel longer distances.

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Hyundai Motor Company has made it possible for humans to use hydrogen, an energy source that is abundant and does not generate environmental pollutants in the process of use, through means of transportation. Cars, buses, and trucks powered by hydrogen are no longer imaginary mobility, but have become real technologies. Earth, the huge home where humans live, hydrogen that coexists with the Earth and enables sustainable development. Even at this moment, Hyundai Motor Company is continuing its efforts to create a sustainable future with hydrogen technology.

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