
Ireland and Germany Sign and Formalize Joint Declaration for Green Hydrogen Collaboration

By December 13, 2023 4   min read  (636 words)

December 13, 2023 |

2023 12 12 11 31 34

A Joint Declaration of Intent on cooperation in the field of green hydrogen was signed on 31 May 2023 between Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, and the German Federal Research Ministry.

This Declaration of Intent will formalise cooperation in respect of green hydrogen between Ireland and Germany and enable it to grow in the coming years. The Joint Declaration of Intent emphasises the willingness of both states to initiate their cooperation on research and development in the fields of production, storage, transport, and use of green hydrogen including its derivates. The key points of the Declaration are:

  1. To explore the establishment of a joint pilot project on a potential Green Hydrogen cross-border value chain in Ireland and Germany
  2. To cooperate with other European countries within the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Green Hydrogen
  3. To carry out the cooperative activities contemplated by this Joint Declaration of Intent, subject to the availability of funds

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications of the Republic of Ireland (hereafter: sides) hereby emphasize their willingness to initiate their cooperation on research and development in the field of production, storage,  transport and use of green hydrogen including its derivates.

Both sides appreciate the important contribution of green hydrogen to combating global climate change, meeting the Paris Agreement, facilitating energy transition and eliminating the use of fossil fuel.

The cooperation should take place within the framework of the “Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Green Hydrogen (SRIA)” published on 18 March 2022 aiming to accelerate a European green hydrogen market. The cooperation intends to be an important example in the context of efforts to renew the European Research Area.

The aim of the cooperation of the sides is to cover the following:


The sides aim to establish a joint pilot project on a potential Green Hydrogen cross-border value chain in Ireland and Germany.

In accordance with national policies and energy strategies, both sides declare their intention to conceptualize a pilot project on how a fully functional cross-border value chain including production, suitable ways and means of transportation of hydrogen from Ireland to Germany and use of green hydrogen and its derivatives could be organised, which economic, political and natural obstacles have to be dealt with for its implementation and which partners and infrastructure (e. g. ports, storage facilities and suitable transport vessels or pipelines) would be needed. Stakeholders from business, academia, science and civil society on both sides will be invited to participate in this work.

Cooperation within the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Green Hydrogen

Both sides confirm their willingness to cooperate with other European countries within the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Green Hydrogen (SRIA) framework. Both sides are examining whether they can and want to  support the implementation of the SRIA through bilateral and / or multilateral calls for scientific cooperation projects  or by other means.


Each Side intends to carry out the cooperative activities contemplated by this Joint Declaration of Intent subject to the availability of funds.

Final Provisions

This Joint Declaration of Intent will come into effect on the day of signature. It may be amended at any time by mutual consent; amendments should be done in writing. Each side may end cooperation under this Joint Declaration of Intent in writing.

This Joint Declaration of Intent is not legally binding and does not restrict cooperation with any third parties, including bilaterally between the sides. It does not create any legal, contractual, or financial rights or obligations for either side.  Both sides intend for activities under this Joint Declaration of Intent to be conducted in accordance with their respective domestic laws and regulations, and national policies.



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