
New Geohonic Green Hydrogen Project in Canada Lands Massive Government Approval and SK Eco Plant Partnership

By September 4, 2023 3   min read  (424 words)

September 4, 2023 |

Green Wind Hydrogen

In what can be described as a seminal win for renewable energy, Canada’s World Energy GH₂ has received the go-ahead from the Canadian government for its behemoth New Geohonic green hydrogen project. Situated on Newfoundland’s state-owned ‘Crown Land,’ the project is part of an expansive national strategy to vitalize local economies via wind power and hydrogen production.

 Unprecedented Scale

Let’s get some perspective on just how monumental this project is: it spans an area 1.8 times the size of Seoul. Yes, you read that right. With a massive land grant of 1077.91 km², New Geohonic has now solidified all the wind farms required for its forthcoming three phases. On the table is a staggering 4GW wind power generation capacity, equivalent to the output of 3-4 nuclear plants. And as if that wasn’t enough, the project is eyeing an annual production of about 180,000 tons of green hydrogen and 1.08 million tons of green ammonia.

 SK Eco Plant Takes a Seat at the Table

The Korean company SK Eco Plant has acquired a 20% stake in the first phase of this game-changing venture. The firm’s role isn’t just as a silent partner; it’s in the trenches, knee-deep in everything from basic design and supplying water electrolyzers to converting green hydrogen into green ammonia. The agreement signals SK Eco Plant’s crucial role in realizing a transcontinental green hydrogen market.

 Technological Prowess

What makes the project truly stand out is its tech backbone. For the uninitiated, the project will employ Bloom Energy’s Solid Oxide Water Electrolyzer (SOEC), a cutting-edge tech capable of producing 1 kg of hydrogen using just 37.5 kWh of electricity. That’s a world record, folks.

 Unstoppable Momentum

With the ink dry on the Environmental Impact Statement submitted last month and a positive nod from the government, the New Geohonic project is on a roll. It’s not just laying down the foundation for the first large-scale green hydrogen project in North America but is also setting the pace for what’s possible on a global scale.

SK Ecoplant CEO Park Kyung-il summed up the sentiment aptly: “As we play a key role in the transcontinental green hydrogen project, we will fulfill our role as a pioneer in realizing the global hydrogen ecosystem at an early stage.” Indeed, with the green light from the Canadian government and a burgeoning partnership with SK Eco Plant, the New Geohonic project seems destined to be a renewable energy tour de force.


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