
Nikola Motors Suspects Sabotage in Recent Fire Incident, Commences Investigation

By June 26, 2023 2   min read  (255 words)

June 26, 2023 |

nikola motors suspects sabotage in recent fire incident commences investigation

The recent blaze that ravaged Nikola Motors’ Phoenix, Arizona headquarters is now under suspicion of being an act of sabotage. The fire affected several vehicles, according to the hydrogen and electric truck manufacturer.

The company has cast suspicion on foul play as the cause of the incident, given the sight of an unidentified vehicle near the affected trucks just before the fire outbreak. Nikola Motors made this statement in a tweet on Friday following the incident, “Foul play is suspected as a vehicle was seen in the area of the affected trucks just prior to the incident and an investigation is underway.”

Thankfully, there were no reported injuries from the fire. Nikola Motors has assured the public and its stakeholders that it will release additional details as they emerge from the ongoing investigation.

The fire reportedly broke out early in the morning, around 4:30 am, according to Phoenix Fire Department Captain Todd Keller. The response teams had to douse the flames on the five affected trucks for hours before they could safely move them and prevent further damage or potential risks.

The company’s message on the incident expressed gratitude to the Phoenix and Tempe Fire Departments for their swift and effective response. Their effort in managing the situation was applauded by the Nikola team. As the investigation continues, the motive or source of the fire remains uncertain, but the suspicion of foul play has added a twist to this unfortunate event.

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