
Offshore Wind Key to Unlocking Scotland’s Green Hydrogen Export Potential, Crown Estate Scotland Report Finds

By September 5, 2023 2   min read  (329 words)

September 5, 2023 |

2023 09 05 09 50 59

Scotland has a golden opportunity to leverage its offshore wind projects, both new and existing, to become a green hydrogen powerhouse, according to a freshly minted report commissioned by Crown Estate Scotland.

Authored by global energy consultancy Xodus Group, the report, titled ‘Commercial Models for Future Hydrogen Production,’ underscores the export potential that green hydrogen offers for Scotland’s renewable electricity sector.

The report doesn’t shy away from the nitty-gritty details. It examines the critical infrastructure required for large-scale green hydrogen transportation, including pipeline injection into domestic gas networks and even exporting it across the North Sea to mainland Europe.

Taking a deep dive into various scenarios, the report specifically focuses on ScotWind and INTOG offshore wind projects that might funnel a chunk of their energy output into hydrogen production via electrolysis. The transportation routes are also meticulously laid out, with possibilities of a trunk pipeline from Scotland to Germany fed by arteries from Shetland, Orkney, Cromarty Firth, and St Fergus. This notion builds on earlier work by the Net Zero Technology Centre’s (NZTC) Hydrogen Backbone Link project, amplifying the vital role hydrogen could assume in the UK’s climate action plan.

Ben Miller, Development Manager with Crown Estate Scotland, highlights the pan-European implications: “Green hydrogen has the potential to be a linchpin in decarbonizing key industries across Europe. And with our burgeoning offshore renewables sector, Scotland could very well be at the forefront of this energy transition.”

The report caps off by laying out strategic recommendations, targeting both the government and the broader Scottish public sector. It suggests raising the global profile of Scotland’s hydrogen export capabilities, specifying timing for hydrogen supplies from offshore wind ventures, and ramping up European partnerships to tap into new markets.

It’s a thorough, forward-looking analysis that could spell game-changing shifts not just for Scotland, but for the global green hydrogen sector as a whole.



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