
Re-Fire Technology and eCap Sign Hydrogen Cooperation Agreement to Promote Clean Transportation in Europe

By November 28, 2019 3   min read  (409 words)

November 28, 2019 |

ReFire Ecap Hydrogen Fuel Cell Agreement

During the Second China International Import Expo, China ’s leading supplier of hydrogen fuel cell systems, Re-Fire Energy Technology Co., Ltd., announced that it has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with eCap Mobility GmbH, a European vehicle electrical drive system engineering service provider (hereinafter referred to as “eCap”).

Together, they will develop sustainable hydrogen application solutions for the European market.

On the afternoon of November 9, Lin Qi, Chairman and CEO of Re-Fire Technology, and DiCap Lehmann, founder of eCap, signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of their respective companies. Ms. Pan Hua, Chief Representative of Hamburg Liaison Office in China, attended the signing ceremony.

According to the agreement, the two parties will rely on their respective technical advantages and resources to jointly develop hydrogen fuel cell applications for the northern European market. Among them, Re-Fire Technology will provide advanced fuel cell systems and core components, eCap will provide its excellent engineering service capabilities in the European market, and the two parties will work together to create multi-scenario coverage of hydrogen energy in different application areas.

Germany-based eCap is committed to providing clean kinetic energy for various transportation and industrial equipment through scientific and technological innovation and promoting green energy applications. The company has developed rapidly in the past four years and has completed more than 100 power system transformation projects, becoming one of the most extensive and large-scale electrification transformation experts in Europe.

E Cap Tech

eCap’s transformation projects cover small and medium-sized passenger cars, antique cars, passenger cars, small, medium and heavy trucks, as well as agricultural equipment and manufacturing equipment, and further expand to emerging electric drive applications such as ships and small aircraft.

Lin Qi said: “Reshape Technology is very pleased to be able to reach important cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy with overseas innovative companies such as eCap through the international platform of the Expo. It demonstrates that Reshape Technology and eCap are innovation-driven and low-cost. Carbon-based common commitment. Through this cooperation, the two sides will form complementary strengths and join forces to jointly promote the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell technology in the European market. “
Dirk Lehmann said: “The field of clean mobility has broad development prospects. We hope to establish long-term cooperation with Reshape Technology. By developing various customized power solutions for customers, hydrogen can be used more widely. Make a positive contribution to building a zero-carbon society. “


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