
Right of Way for Green Hydrogen: German State Ministers Are Calling for Strong Funding From the Federal Government and the EU

By July 5, 2023 4   min read  (819 words)

July 5, 2023 |

right of way for green hydrogen german state ministers are calling for strong funding from the federal government and the eu e1688558906231

In focus: the future of German energy supply. At the invitation of Saxony-Anhalt’s Energy Minister Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann advised together for the first time. During the exchange in Saxony-Anhalt’s state representation in Berlin, the Federal Minister forEconomic Affairs and Climate Protection, Dr. Robert Habeck and State Secretary for the Environment Stefan Tidow .

As the chairing state of the Energy Ministers’ Conference (EnMK) 2023, Saxony-Anhalt organized the premiere meeting with the representatives of the Environment Ministers’ Conference (UMK) and Economics Ministers’ Conference (WMK) to exchange views on interdepartmental topics.

The focus was therefore on ways to secure and affordable energy supply and the environmentally compatible expansion of the corresponding infrastructure. In addition, the federal and state governments discussed options for further accelerating planning and approval procedures in the energy sector.

In a joint declaration adopted today by EnMK, UMK and WMK (available at ), the state ministers advocate a consistent ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe.

To do this, they are calling for a stable legal framework, a plan for the cross-border development of European gas and hydrogen networks and a coordinated and adequately financed funding framework from the federal government and the EU – both for the production and distribution of green hydrogen on site and for its import from European and international sources markets.

The expansion of the energy infrastructure for the transport and storage of green hydrogen and electricity must not only be accelerated, but also be environmentally and nature-friendly. Biodiversity and species diversity should be adequately taken into account and, ideally, even strengthened.

In their joint declaration, the ministers also called for the creation of internationally competitive framework conditions for the energy supply of the domestic economy, faster approval procedures, the rapid provision of areas for the expansion of renewable energies and a fair regional burden sharing for the costs incurred as well as more commitment to participation and acceptance of the population.

With a view to security of supply, EnMK, UMK and WMK also call on the federal government to create suitable legal and economic guidelines for the timely construction of hydrogen-capable power plants on the one hand and for storage technologies and business models to make energy consumption loads more flexible on the other.

The aim is to shape the transformation of Germany as a business location with a 100 percent renewable energy supply in a social, environmentally friendly, safe and affordable way for the people.

The EnMK chairman, Saxony-Anhalt’s energy minister Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann emphasized: “In the energy transition, numerous interests must be taken into account and harmonized. That’s why we brought all the responsible heads of departments of the federal states together today to discuss central and also controversial issues and to find practicable solutions. There is a consensus that renewables must be expanded much more vigorously in the future in order to become more independent in the energy sector and at the same time strengthen climate protection.”

On behalf of the UMK , its chairman, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Environment Minister Oliver Krischer, emphasized : “Between the environment, economics and energy ministerial conferences, there is a common understanding that the rapid expansion of renewable energies is crucial for a secure energy supply and for achieving climate protection goals. The climate crisis is also the most dangerous threat to nature and species conservation. Therefore, with good planning, the expansion of renewable energies offers many opportunities for more species protection and biological diversity. This is how we create win-win-win situations for climate protection, energy supply and nature conservation.”

Bavaria’s Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger added as WMK Chairmanadds: “A strong economy is the core of our prosperity and the engine of the energy transition. In order to keep the industrial added value in Germany, we need an internationally competitive industrial electricity price. We are thus sending a clear signal that investments in Germany continue to be worthwhile and that there are no plant closures and creeping deindustrialization. The economy also needs clarity quickly on how to implement decarbonization step by step without having to fear competitive disadvantages. It is therefore important to set a pragmatic legal, planning and financial framework for hydrogen now. There are already technical solutions for hydrogen in a wide range of application areas. we must ensure

Background :

At the beginning of 2023, Saxony-Anhalt took over the chair of the Energy Ministers’ Conference . In addition to the last EnMK conference at the end of March in Merseburg (Saalekreis) and today’s premiere meeting of EnMK, UMK and WMK, there will be another energy ministers’ conference in the state: at the end of September in Wernigerode (Harz district).

The focus is then in particular on the area of tension between the forced expansion of renewable energies and environmental policy requirements. Federal Minister Habeck is also expected to attend this conference.


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