
Shell Introduces Hydrogen Pay-Per-Use for the Heavy-Duty Mobility Sector

By August 1, 2023 2   min read  (351 words)

August 1, 2023 |

2023 08 01 09 18 22

Shell Low Carbon Solutions is making waves in the heavy-duty mobility sector by launching Hydrogen Pay-Per-Use, an innovative service aimed at simplifying and incentivizing the adoption of hydrogen as a fuel.

Bridging the Gap to Zero Emission Trucking

Transitioning to zero-emission trucking is a complex puzzle, often overwhelming for companies eager to reduce their carbon footprint. Shell’s new offering aims to make this transition more accessible, reducing both the investment required and the perceived risk.

Hydrogen Pay-Per-Use: An Affordable Alternative

Hydrogen Pay-Per-Use provides an exclusive opportunity to explore hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) for a monthly fee, opening the doors to hydrogen-fueled trucking without the need for substantial upfront investment.

Here’s what the pay-per-use model offers:

  • Transport: The hydrogen-powered vehicles produce water vapor as the only emission, offering a green alternative.
  • Great Range: With high energy density, hydrogen allows trucks to travel up to 450km between refuelings, depending on usage.
  • Truck Use: Customers get exclusive use of a 15-ton Mercedes-Benz AG Atego fuel cell electric vehicle, minimizing initial costs.
  • Insurance: Comprehensive insurance for both driver and vehicle reduces operational risk.
  • Speedy Refueling: Hydrogen trucks can be refueled in approximately 15 minutes, minimizing downtime.
  • Maintenance and Support: Both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance are included, along with 24/7 customer support, to ensure smooth operations.

This revolutionary service will be available in Germany starting August 2023.

A Vision for a Sustainable Future

Shell’s Hydrogen Pay-Per-Use aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. It provides a practical, low-risk way for the heavy-duty mobility sector to experiment with hydrogen fuel, fostering early adoption and real-world experience without major financial risk.

The pay-per-use model spreads the risk and allows for hands-on exploration of hydrogen technology. It represents a significant step toward making hydrogen-powered transportation a mainstream reality.

By reducing complexity and providing an attractive, all-inclusive package, Shell is setting a benchmark for the industry. This initiative not only advances the adoption of hydrogen fuel but also contributes to global efforts to create a cleaner, more sustainable future.


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