
Swedish Company to Make Hydrogen With Nuclear Reactors

By March 21, 2022 3   min read  (555 words)

March 21, 2022 |

Fuel Cells Works, Swedish Company to Make Hydrogen With Nuclear Reactors

The green revolution is influencing low-impact energy production projects. Nuclear and hydrogen are being researched for their sustainable use and potential as sustainable fuels.

Researchers have developed a way to produce hydrogen using nuclear power to minimize pollution. Swedish energy professionals are assessing the benefits of pink hydrogen development as the quest for alternative sources continues.

Pink Hydrogen

Pink hydrogen is a power source deriving from nuclear energy. Electricity producers use it to power the electrolysis process, dividing water into hydrogen and oxygen. It can be stored as potential electricity or converted directly to support the grid.

Energy professionals are determining the sustainability of pink hydrogen. One environmental challenge associated with nuclear energy is radioactive waste. The power source derives from uranium, which can adversely affect humans’ health and the environment.

An ecological benefit of nuclear energy is emission reduction. The resource releases zero greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when producing electricity. Nuclear power also provides society with an alternative to fossil fuels, supporting decarbonization.

Another benefit of pink hydrogen is its affordability. Nuclear is a low-cost energy source and it is cheaper than renewable power. Producers that develop hydrogen from nuclear supplies create a cost-competitive power source.

Repurposing Retractors for Hydrogen Production

Energy companies Uniper and Fortum are developing more sustainable nuclear power by repurposing old reactors for hydrogen production. The Swedish Oskarshamn 1 and 2 reactors closed last decade, and professionals began using the facilities’ electrolysis capabilities to create low-impact hydrogen.

Conventional hydrogen production methods are unsustainable because they rely on natural gas and coal. Energy professionals have decreased their reliance on fossil fuels since global organizations established net-zero emission goals. Instead, they’re creating hydrogen using high-temperature retractors powered by nuclear energy.

Producing pink energy is similar to the green alternative. Nuclear supplies can produce electricity to power the electrolysis process.

Scientists are also developing pink energy production methods using the thermal decomposition of methane (TDM). Individuals can use nuclear power to perform methane pyrolysis and reach high temperatures without releasing emissions. It is also an efficient thermal conductor, which minimizes energy loss.

Sweden’s Commercial Deal

The Swedish energy sector is searching for reliable energy sources that shrink the nation’s carbon footprint. Professionals assess pink hydrogen’s compatibility with society’s power demands and transmission load capabilities. Researchers identified the benefits of nuclear-derived electricity, which influenced Sweden’s commercial deal.

One nuclear plant owned by Uniper and Fortum signed an energy deal with a commercial gas company Linde. The nuclear plant will supply Linde with pink hydrogen to meet consumers’ demands. Repurposing unused nuclear reactors for pink hydrogen production can minimize material waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

Can Pink Hydrogen Support the Clean Electric Grid?

Various countries are developing clean electric grids to help reach their decarbonization goals. They are looking at alternative energy sources to support electricity demands, and pink hydrogen may be the answer.

Hydrogen alone may not produce 100% of an electric grid’s power, but it can create an abundance of other renewable energy sources. Professionals may use hydrogen fuel cells to store solar and wind energy as a solid resource. They can convert hydrogen into electricity during peak hours to enhance grid resilience. These factors make pink hydrogen a potential game-changer in the sector.

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