
The Basque Hydrogen Corridor Association Created

By November 10, 2021 3   min read  (522 words)

November 10, 2021 |

Fuel Cells Works, The Basque Hydrogen Corridor Association Created
  • 71 companies and organizations have joined forces to create an association that will stimulate the development of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

The first meeting of the BH 2C Basque Hydrogen Corridor Association was held at the Guggenheim Museum, with the participation of 71 companies and organizations.

The event was officially opened by Glasgow Minister of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment Arantxa Tapia.

This is just another step in promoting hydrogen as an energy industry, as it will undoubtedly play a key role in the energy transition to climate neutrality, both in the Basque Country and in Europe.

José Ignacio Zudaire, President of the BH2C Association, emphasized in a public speech that “The creation of the association has highlighted the strong commitment of companies and organizations to make progress in decarbonisation, using hydrogen as an energy vector. For the energy transition to be sustainable, it is imperative, along with the challenge of decarbonisation, that we commit ourselves to maintaining the weight of the industry in GDP. We need to make the transition that will help us develop our industry, create wealth and well-being, and drive our innovation and technology. If we want to remain an industrial country capable of creating quality employment, we must face this challenge in a modular way, through specific projects, through investments, with the help of technology and using it as a cooperation strategy. The Basque Hydrogen Corridor has combined all these components, and in this regard, I can say without a doubt that it is a long-term project. There is no doubt that the Basque Country must make a firm commitment to leading this sector, as it has done in the steel, machine tools, automotive and renewable sectors ”.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor was presented in February this year to help advance the decarbonisation of energy, mobility, industry and services and other strategic sectors. An investment of more than 1.3 billion euros will be made to carry out the project by 2026, creating more than 1,340 direct and 6,700 indirect jobs.

The projects that the Association will promote in connection with the Basque Hydrogen Corridor relate to the following areas:

  • Production of renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels.
  • Distribution mobility and logistics.
  • Decarbonization of the industry.
  • Urban and residential uses.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Industrial technological development.

The following companies and organizations will take part in these projects: ABC Compressors, Aena, Ajusa, Alsa, AMPO, ArcelorMittal, Astilleros Murueta, Bilbao City Council, Balearia, BEFESA, Bilogistik, CAF, Calvera, Celsa NARVACERO, Cervico energi, Cidetec, CIE AUTOMOTIVE, Energy Cluster, Provincial Council of Alava, Provincial Council of Bizkaia, EDAIR, ENAGAS, Basque Energy Agency, Erreka, Ferrovial, Fg Fidegas, Basque Country Maritime Forum, New Hydrogen Technologies, Fundacion GHIikerazio Fundaci gazikera, GHI Fundaci, GHK, Giroa Veolia , H2Site, Hispacold, Ibaizabal, Idom, Ikerlan, Ingeteam, INSERTEC, Integralia, Irizar, Irizar E-mobility, Jema Energía, Lecitrailer, Lurraldebus, MFS Sintering, MOBILITYADO-AVANZA, Mondragon Unibertzitatea, Naviera Murueta, Navpon Gas Murueta, Nip Nortegas, OLIVERDESIGN, Optimus 3D, Orkli, Basque Technology Parks, Petronor, Port of Bilbao, Repsol, Sarralle, Sener, Sidenor, Siemens Energy, SKV Bermeo, Solaris, Somorrostro, Talgo, TCR, Tec nalia, Técnicas Reunidas, Tubacex, Tubos Reunidos, Euskal Herriko, Unibertsitatea Wartsila and SIDEREX.


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