
Yunnei Power Clinches Monumental Hydrogen Storage Contract; Sets Stage for World’s Largest Project

By August 10, 2023 2   min read  (403 words)

August 10, 2023 |

China Hydrogen e1691673726616

The global transition towards a more sustainable energy future has seen numerous players, both old and new, stepping into the limelight with breakthrough innovations and initiatives. China, with its ambitious environmental goals and relentless pursuit of advanced technologies, is often at the forefront of such developments. This has once again been underscored with the recent announcement from Yunnei Power.

Unraveling the World’s Largest Hydrogen Project

In a move that has captured the attention of the hydrogen energy sector, Yunnei Power has successfully secured a contract worth CNY 1bn ($138.7m). This contract isn’t just about numbers but holds the potential to be a cornerstone for the ‘world’s largest’ hydrogen energy storage facility.

The details, as brought to light by Yicai Global, highlight Yunnei Power’s collaboration with the industrial heavyweight, CCCC Mechanical & Electrical Engineering. The duo aims to craft a state-of-the-art fuel battery power generation system. Yunnei’s role is multifaceted and encompasses the engineering, procurement, and execution of the entire construction contract. The backdrop for this colossal initiative is Huai’an County, situated in the Hebei province and governed by the city of Zhangjiakou.

Echoing Green Aspirations

With the world gradually veering towards green energy, the metrics set by this project are not just ambitious but truly awe-inspiring. Yunnei Power is set to not only oversee the transportation and installation facets but also undertake rigorous testing to ensure optimum functionality. The endeavor aims to churn out 200MW of power while having the provision to store a mammoth 800MWh of energy. All of these efforts align seamlessly with the broader objective of curbing the carbon emissions of the northern Chinese region.

This initiative finds a perfect home in Huai’an. Known for its abundant renewable resources, especially wind and solar, Huai’an’s commitment to a sustainable future was nationally recognized in 2015 when it was designated as one of China’s demonstration zones for green energy.

Anticipated Market Ripple Effects

Unsurprisingly, the financial markets have resonated with the optimism surrounding this grand venture. In testament to the faith and expectations linked with the project, Yunnei Power’s shares have seen a substantial ascent, marking a 10% increase. For those closely tracking the green energy sector and market dynamics, the period between May 2024 to December 2025 is expected to be eventful, with the project’s delivery slated for this window.

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