
Engineering & Construction Company Jos Scholman Readies for Hydrogen Future with 11 Hyundai Hydrogen Nexo’s

By March 30, 2020 < 1   min read  (130 words)

March 30, 2020 |

Scholman Main

The road and engineering construction company, Jos Scholman sees a major role for hydrogen-powered vehicles in the future.

Jos Scholman Hydrogen CarJos Scholman recently announced that it had received 11 Hyundai Nexos that run on hydrogen this week.

In addition to the purchase of 11 hydrogen-powered cars, Scholman is alos starting the conversion of a number of machines from diesel to hydrogen-powered.

The company said “Until recently, the entire fleet was dependent on fossil fuels and , but that will change soon!

“We are also working on plans for a hydrogen filling station in collaboration with neighbor Allied Waters. We are waiting for the definitive permit, which will put Nieuwegein on the map as a progressive and sustainable municipality in the region!”

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