
R&D Dynamics Corporation Oil-Free Compressor Technology Selected By U.S. Department Of Energy To Advance Durability And Efficiency Of Fuel Cell Truck Subsystems

By August 27, 2021 2   min read  (276 words)

August 27, 2021 |

Fuel Cells Works, R&D Dynamics Corporation Oil-Free Compressor Technology Selected By U.S. Department Of Energy To Advance Durability And Efficiency Of Fuel Cell Truck Subsystems

HARTFORD, Conn.— R&D Dynamics Corporation, located in Bloomfield, Connecticut, received an award from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop air management system compressors for heavy-duty truck applications as part of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck (M2FCT) program. The goal of the M2FCT program is to achieve 1 million miles of reliable fuel cell operation for long-haul transportation truck application.

The air management compressor is the major cost contributor and parasitic power draw on the fuel cell stacks. The key challenges for heavy-duty vehicle applications are the need for greater uptime, reduced input power and extended durability.

R&D Dynamics Corporation is the leading supplier of oil-free foil gas bearing compressors/blowers for all major fuel cell automobile manufacturers. They have recently delivered thousand fuel cell compressors for a mobile fuel cell system application. Through the M2FCT program,

R&D Dynamics will extend their oil-free compressor technology for heavy-duty vehicles by increasing reliability, improving energy efficiency, reducing size/weight and lowering cost. R&D Dynamics President Dr. Giri Agrawal states, “We have been and will be an integral part of hydrogen economy, starting from production of hydrogen through liquefaction to the end application in generating clean electricity using fuel cells.”

R&D Dynamics Corporation pioneered the development and production manufacturing of clean energy technology products such as turbocompressors for fuel cells, turboblowers for wastewater treatment facilities, turboexpanders for industrial gas liquefaction and turbogenerators for waste heat recovery power generation and gas pressure let down applications. All of their products are supported on oil-free foil gas bearing technology.


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