
UK HFCA Delighted to be Collaborating on ‘Hydrogen Strategy Now’ Campaign’

By June 26, 2020 2   min read  (332 words)

June 26, 2020 |

hydrogen ukUKHFCA

The UK HFCA is delighted to be collaborating on the ‘Hydrogen Strategy Now’ Campaign.

This campaign involves many leading businesses that operate in the UK, and who are, like the UK HFCA, united in the belief that hydrogen has a big role to play in meeting our Net Zero ambitions.  An open letter has been submitted to the Chancellor, and the Campaign is rapidly gaining momentum, with support from a range of cross-party MPs.

UK HFCA Chair Amanda Lyne noted ‘the need for a UK hydrogen strategy has been a core theme of our campaigning for the past couple of years; with post-COVID recovery plans currently taking shape and the key role for hydrogen across all aspects of clean growth, a UK hydrogen strategy couldn’t be more timely’.

The UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association:

Aims imageg new

  • Creates the power of a collective industry to advocate strongly for a positive social, political and economic environment for the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cells in the UK.
  • Promotes the advancement of public and private sector policies to support hydrogen energy and fuel cell research, development, demonstration and procurement.
  • Undertakes targeted outreach activities to promote better understanding of fuel cells and hydrogen energy and the benefits they bring among key stakeholders.
  • Coordinates and promotes members’ views on current and future research, development and deployment priorities for fuel cell and hydrogen energy to Government and other funding agencies.
  • Provides market intelligence and updates to members, including news of new funding opportunities and mechanisms.
  • Promotes the development of best practice and its adoption in fuel cells and hydrogen energy.
  • Represents members’ interests at the national and international level and enhances opportunities for members’ participation and benefit in the international arena.
  • Develops channels of communication and forms links between members, the Government, the private sector, the European Union, other industry associations and other international organisations to facilitate the promotion of member organisations worldwide.

Read the most up to date Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Industry news at FuelCellsWorks


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